Well, good morning....I am not a "writer" as such...my grandaughter is a very prolific blogger ("Hyperactive Lu") and I have always longed to be a journaler, carrying around a pretty little book with flowers on the cover and writing down profound thoughts each day---not me!So, to do this blog is very un'like me. But I feel very "led" to share all these cancerous thoughts and happenings. A few weeks ago one of our ministers asked me if I would help get involved in some sort of cancer ministry at our church and I said well, in fact, I had thought of starting a blog...so alot is happening and will somehow come together. I sit in church and count 15-20 cancer patients-survivors without turning my head!...What is this epidemic?..I always thought my self very healthy, eating right, exercising, the usual to stay in shape. In fact, we camped for years, climbed bluffs, biked, and hiked. So, it is not always anything we do or have control over that determines the cancer --the cell gone wild!
After the first surgery, I was told that this "Mixed Mullerian" tumor would be classified as an ovarian sarcoma...how can this be??I had a total hysterectomy 25 years prior...no ovaries! I learned that even one tiny cell from the hysterectomy, or even a cell from MY time as a fetus, can remain and somehow mutate and start this cancerous growth. The Mixed Mullerian can contain fibrous, ovarian and uterine tissue, and these cells can lie dormant in the mullerian cavity (lower abdomen) for all your life then something triggers these cells to grow into a cancerous mass. This blog is not to scare or "turn you off" but to be informative and I feel, the more knowledge we have the better we can be proactive about our health. So began this journey also of knowledge! I began each day to read my favorite Psalm 139: 13-16...so more about this later...
Change After 30 Years
11 months ago
I'm praying for you and I hope to learn a lot about your journey from this blog!! My grandma is no longer able to tell me stories and give me insight to "life", and all the blogs I read are written by mommies my own age. So, I'll definitely follow you and hope to learn a thing or two from you!! Thank you for being bold enough to blog. Good job so far...keep 'em coming!