A friend brought over a new book she had purchased and was reading parts of it about hospitality. The Bible says a lot about being hospitable, as in Hebrews 13:2--"Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it.."..We think we have entertained an angel a long time ago,(another story) but specifically, this reminded me of people Daddy became friends with in Belgium during the War. I think they were the angels! Daddy was in a train station and he saw a lady in distress with luggage she could not handle. he approached her, found she could speak English and he carried her luggage for her. It turned out she was the local Mayor's wife. She invited Daddy for tea and she and her family entertained Daddy several times while he was stationed in that area. She was an artist and painted and sent Mama a beautiful watercolor of the Arden Forest. These two families corresponded for a number of years.I have that watercolor hanging in our living room and treasure it very much. It is representative of kindnesses between two strangers and their resulting friendship, not necessarily angels but still kindnesses that will never be forgotten.
I have read that one should always be "a little kinder than necessary" because you never know what hurt or what kind of day another may be having. I had a real treat tonight and got to see/hear the Gaither's Christmas special. Wow, I have been to two concerts in a month! This is very unusual --must be because I am "sick"...no matter, it is great. I have been weak today, aches, nauseous, little appetite ( family and friends are telling me to eat because I look thin) but I managed to go to this concert and it was really wonderful. Tomorrow is day 4 or 5 (depending on whether the actual chemo is day 1) so it should be a better day. Who knows, I might entertain an angel tomorrow!
Change After 30 Years
11 months ago
God has definitely blessed you with the gift of hospitality. I think of how many times you welcomed me into your home and on your family camping trips and treated me like one of your own. I am sorry you are not feeling up to doing all you usually do during the holidays, but glad you got to go to the concert. I have heard from several people that it was wonderful. I want you to know that your hospitality to me throughout my life and your cheerful attitude have been such blessings...and you know, I'm no angel. Haha. I love you and will continue to pray for you. Lisa