Well I had the dreaded chemo again today...it was not very bad, only one needle stick (in my port) so that helped...it was just a long day, lots of waiting, for the blood report (if I have enough red cells) then the 500 cc of fluid, then the dexadron (sp?) the stuff that keeps me awake at night! (It is 11 right now because God tells us He has plans for us...and we can pray toward those plans.and I am still going strong..) then the lab has to make the chemo then it runs in...all together about 4-5 hours. I sleep, read, do X stitch, eat lunch...all that stuff...and they also gave me another iron infusion, to help make red cells.
I went to art class tonight, always a real "upper" to be with these friends and to lose myself in creating. Since I was not tired, I came home and finished the last emergency pillow order before we move. I think I will try to go to sleep soon.
I go back tomorrow for a repeat...and I really don't care for two straight days, but that is the plan.
I told the nurse that I still have some problems from the radiation in February. She said "radiation is the gift that keeps on giving".I go to that doctor in two weeks and see how that little tumor is doing--hopefully it is gone, since it did not show up on the CT.
A family at church asked for prayers for a friend's 11 year old daughter..she had a sprained leg which resulted in blood clots which led to both feet being amputated!!! Can you imagine? The family lives in Ohio (and her father was killed in a car accident two years ago.)
I don't think we could EVER run out of families to pray for and think of,and as Jeremiah tells us, God says "For I know the plans I have for you"..."plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future..." chapter 29, verse 11.
Change After 30 Years
11 months ago
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