"We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself interceded for us with groans that words cannot express." Romans 8:26 If you have ever been so sick or "down" that you just cannot see how to get through it, this is when the Holy Spirit intercedes for Christians and prays for us, giving word to our groans that we cannot express. I have been there, not recently, but know too well, the agony and despair of serious illness. Right now, I feel amazingly good, just the usual nausea. I go for labs and blood tomorrow. Please pray for our friend ,Gene, as he has his surgery this week.
Most old, old European towns were built around castles with or without moats, walls and castles in the middle of town. The city walls would be built up around the castle and shops, smaller homes and even pastureland. There are gate houses, wonderful huge gates that a bus can barely go through. Nearly every city has a government building that looks like a castle and a clock, especially in Switzerland. There are wonderful old stone roads, flowers everywhere--the climate is perfect for flowers- and mountains everywhere. Everything is so close together and you can go from one country into another in just a few hours.
When we had our B&B back in the 80's, we would have people stay with us from Europe and they would say, "I want to see Texas and California, New York and....." They could not understand how large this country is, and not the trains, to get around so easily.
A special city was Saltzburg--where "The Sound of Music" was made and besides, it is a perfect small city-town. You can walk around much of it, the castle sits at the top of the town and there is the ever present lake/river. All so quaint and beautiful. We would love to go back, but doubt we ever will. There is too much walking and just the logistics of that much travel prevents that long a trip. Bermuda, probably!!!Meanwhile, we are thankful for health we have.
Change After 30 Years
11 months ago
Oh dear Beverly! I was thinking that you were having a chemo treatment today, and I prayed well into the night about this. The Lord must think I have lost my mind, though no doubt HE is the first to know (smile). You have a funny card coming your way to brighten your day, maybe tomorrow. We are all so anxious to know the outcome of your tests.