"...come before Him with joyful song. Know that the Lord is God. It is He who made us and we are His; We are His people, the sheep of His pasture." Psalm 100:2-3
Today was not a real good day...this is day 5 of this cycle and usually when the bad stuff hits. I probably will not feel very good for the next several days. We went to a wedding today and I could not wait to leave because I felt bad and everyone asks how I am feeling and I say "terrible" because some days, I just cannot say "fine" like I usually do.
Tomorrow is Sunday and I hope I can go to church. John says I have a fever tonight.
I was thinking of my Grandpa. He died when he was about 81...out mowing the yard with a push lawn mower. He had a sprig of hawthorn in his lapel. That was significant, because he really was a "romantic"!. He told Grandma every day she "was the most beautiful woman in the world". They fished every weekend in a rowboat and two cane poles. She knew what made him happy. Just a few meandering thoughts and a feeling of melancholy, missing them still even though it has been over 50 years since he dies and Grandma lived on another 26 years (she was 8 years younger than he was).
Change After 30 Years
11 months ago
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