"...test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting." Psalm 139:23-24
Today was three doctors...a wearing out day., however they were really OK results. I could not go to the dentist while on chemo so got that done today and "no cavities" for which I was thankful! Then the eye doctor, which was done for the experimental and Sara Cannon set that up. I have never had such an eye exam! They did every exam possible, pictures of eye nerves, back of the eye, lots of seeing if my glasses are OK and they were. I had to do the field of vision (testing for glaucoma) which I hate but it was fine, and nerves were perfect. I have a couple of small cataracs which the eye doctor said "are the least of your problems". He also thinks the new chemo is my best possible chance of taking away some of the cancer. He says this is a great new drug. I sure hope everyone is right (and that I can take it)anyway, I was there three hours! Then the heart echo test which is not that bad, just another things to do! My eyes got back to normal about 7 tonight!
One day this week, our paper had an article about maintaining cancer care. The article said we need to maintain medical care, nutrition, pain management and spiritual and emotional well being. For sure, we are so blessed with the best medical care anywhere! The nutrition is a problem, because food just does not taste good much. I have a difficult time eating a balanced diet as much as I used to. (this is why some weight loss) I rarely have pain except the gall stone pain I had several weeks ago, which has not come back. As for the spiritual and emotional care, I am so totally blessed with friends and family and a church family who are all so supportive and I could call on any when I needed to.
So we are just trudging along this journey, starting a new chapter next week. Meantime, John and I are going to the mountains for a few days this weekend..Tell you all about it when we get back!!!
Change After 30 Years
11 months ago