"...and the wealth of nations like a flooding stream." Isaiah 66:12 This verse was sent to me this morning by my daughter in law and I love the security and contentment found in it. Think how peaceful is a river flowing along!...Today was skin doctor day---not much fun, especially for a red head complexion person like me.
While going through my memory box (oh my I could spend all winter going thru this and putting papers, invitations, newspaper articles, etc into scrapbooks) I already have four scrapbooks of such and could probably fill several more ( I am pretty behind on doing this) These really are a family/friendship history of the last 100 years. I have letters and papers from the early 1900's that I have told about here (Example, the letters written to Grandma and Grandpa when their baby died)
I pulled out my baby book today, along with my book list from the 4th grade...I read 31 books that year! Thinking of all my great aunts and uncles who are long gone! When I was born, I had light "almost red" hair. All the baby gifts given for me are listed and it is sad to think of all the years gone, that my parents were young and excited about their first baby (me) and now they are dead for over 20 years. All of Mama's friends came to parties, were involved in our activities and they also are long gone. But they had good lives and much fun and love and happy times.
I sent matching aprons to one of our 4 year old greats and her mother. When she opened the box, she said "We need to cook something!" What fun to have little girls around! I must sing to my self, "Peace like a river..."
Change After 30 Years
11 months ago
Bev - You are such an inspiration to me, as I have been diagnosed with cancer, also. My third chemo is next Thursday. May God be with you and me. Beverly Stokely