"I waited patiently for the Lord; He turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; He set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand. He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God."
A dear friend reminded me of this Psalm today. I am not patient enough and God did give me a better day today, a better outlook. As usual I rush ahead and do it myself. I am so blessed and I know He will take care of me. Today was better than yesterday, not "well" but better.
Grandma had a fairly nice little table that somehow ended up on the back porch and had been painted several times. She always put her boiled custard on that table to cool and set on the porch in the cold. Our daughter in law and son have that table, which has been refinished and is very pretty, but we still call it "Grandma's boiled custard table". When we visit family homes, and see all the family furniture, pictures and dishes, I am not sure whose home we are in! There are so many treasures from all parts of the family and it is a delight to see them being used in a third and fourth generation.
Two of our grandchildren are expecting #4 greats and wondering what to name the baby. I went through family names and wrote many down, not for them to name but to see what they are. "Mary" is among the most used girl name, eight times among 6-7 generations. "John" and "James" are the major family boy names and they have already been used. It will be fun to see who the new ones will be and be named.
On my Daddy's side, there are two times that cousins married---our tree does not split as much as it should! ( I have seen that as being "red-neck") oh well!
I pray for a good day tomorrow!
Change After 30 Years
11 months ago