A dear friend found this verse that she wondered if I was seeking..! 1 Corinthians 16:13 "Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong..."
I really think it was another and almost word for word...I will find it. This friend also found a wonderful book mark that says "I am your strength..." Psalm 46:1 and the lady who produces these bookmarks signed one to me...how blessed I am!
When I was thinking about the snows back when, and I remembered how Grandma and I had tin cans from their house to ours (across the creek and through the yards) and a string attached very tightly to the two cans. You could actually talk (like a telephone) on these tin cans! Has anyone tried that in YEARS? Also, I think how much trouble it was for someone (Daddy?) to run that string that far and run it into two houses? It is amazing what family will do for a small child! I guess I was 8 or so at that time.
Then I was thinking about John and I on our first Christmas after we married. I had always received a doll, a small "character doll" after I got too big for baby dolls, each Christmas and John gave me one of those the first year. The next year we had a Live Doll, our oldest son. We lived in a small apartment at first and I can remember having Grandma and Grandpa for dinner and I don't remember what I cooked but he bragged, even if it was not very good. I do remember his saying "You have good Maxwell House coffee"...We had a small Christmas tree and we went uptown to Woolworths and got ornaments for that tree. Those are called "vintage" ornaments now, and they are actually 58 years old. I had some of Mama's and Grandma's special ornaments and those along with our oldest ones, have been given to a grandson and his wife as the "keeper of the ornaments". I think they will appreciate and treasure these keepsakes.
I will keep searching for the verse I think I found. It is a good way to look through lots of Bible passages. Please pray for me and my doctor for good decisions this week, and for God's guidance in those decisions.
Change After 30 Years
11 months ago
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