"...that I might not sin against you."Psalm 119:11 and in the Message, " I've banked your promises in the vault of my heart, so I won't sin myself bankrupt."...Knowing I sin everyday, still I pray God forgives me of all, especially the sins of omission, as I fail to do what I should do every day.
That verse actually has no direct bearing on this story, but I need to remind myself of what I should do. My sister's husband died about a year and a half ago and I was spending the night with her most of the time for a while. We had sewed all day, decided it was time for bed. She walked in the kitchen and screamed...blood curling! I could not imagine what had happened. Her diamond was gone--only the band--no diamond! We had been sewing upstairs with a carpet, so we lay on the floor and rubbed our hands over every square inch, then turned the lights off and shined a flash light over the floor, thinking a diamond would shine. Since we had been sewing on 120 inch long silk panels, we shook and examined all the curtains. We went over the down stairs, inch by inch, swiffered the floor, went over the floor with a wet rag, inch by inch. NO RING! We sat down and held hands and prayed. My sister walked back into the kitchen and the diamond was laying in the middle of the floor!!! She just knows God laid that ring there because He knew she could not stand that on top of her husband's death. That was really some experience!
Well our potatoes are all coming up and look so good (all 10 plants) I told you we have a small garden! John planted his green beans and carrots today. It is too early for tomatoes. We still have locust and blackberry winters to go through. Last week was dogwood winter and they are blooming so pretty. All my hostas are coming up and looking so good! I have starters of lots of things and looking forward to them coming up and seeing what is here.
When I have trouble getting to sleep, I try to think of Bible verses and say the Lord's Prayer and usually I am asleep before I get thru the entire recitation. I am about the same except one toe is cracked open on the end..really sore.Four days until my PET...nervous...trying to be assured of God's grace and care.
Change After 30 Years
11 months ago
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