"...they are pondered by all who delight in Him." Psalm 111:2
I started to write two days ago and the computer would not cooperate--google was down. Then I really got worse with this bad cold/flu/whatever I caught on our trip. I have become complacent on guarding against being too close to people and not using the hand sanitizer as much as I should. Being off chemo for 4 months makes one feel "normal" .
But we did have such a good time with the cousins in Missouri as we went through there on our way home from California. We found out more about that part of the family. I have written about Anna, John's first cousin who passed a little over a year ago. She was the mother of the cousin we stayed with and this cousin and I enjoyed Mother's Day together which is a bitter-sweet day for us. I found out that Anna's Father died of TB at an early age. He was a lumber-buyer and they said he could just look at a tree and tell you how many board feet could be gotten from that tree. So many people died from TB in the early 20Th century, because the cause was still not certain. (One of John's step-grandmothers and two of his uncles died of TB in the early 1900's)
When Anna was returning from World War II, she was with a group of other nurses on the front of the ship as they came into New York harbor, and a photographer took their picture which appeared in a newspaper . Then one of the crew on that ship was a returning seaman (returning to his prior job as a chef in the Waldorf Astoria in NY) and he took some of the nurses to the Waldorf for a meal! She had such an amazing life and we still, and always will, miss her.
So after three days much of it in bed, feeling really bad I might feel a slight bit better..hope and pray so. I have coughed my head off so maybe the ZPAK will help. Blessings!
Change After 30 Years
11 months ago
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