The Lord is righteous in all His ways and loving toward all He has made. The Lord is near to all who call on Him, to all who call on Him in truth. He fulfills the desires of those who fear Him; He hears their cry and saves them." Psalm 145:17-19
Our flower beds are amazing to go from "0" to blooms, spires of hollyhocks, roses with blooms, ferns, herbs , oak leaf hydrangea. zinnias, marigolds, and on and on in less than a year. It is just unbelievable to see this. Our green beans will be ready to pick by two more days and we dug a few new potatoes today. (To dig our potatoes, I took a little trowel and pushed dirt around and found 3 ready to be eaten) Remember our vegetable garden is about 6 feet X 6 feet. We have fun with this though.
I hurt so badly last night, I did not think I could go to sleep but I finally did. Thank goodness for pain pills. I have sewed today and napped twice. I do not hurt as badly in the day time. I think tonight may be another bad night! I was looking back when this last chemo started in October, and all the possible side effects and how bad they could be!!! I knew it could be rough but they all tell you bad things that are possible. This one, really MEANT it!
I call on the Lord, all through the day. I pray for His guidance. I pray for the doctors and their decisions. I am sad and tired of pain. "He hears their cries and saves them."
Change After 30 Years
11 months ago
Dear precious friend, You are in our prayers and thoughts. We are praying that you will feel the love and friendship of all your friends as we all lift you up to God and ask for healing mercies. Love you dear friend, Carl and Pat