A friend suggested this verse from Isaiah 55:12 today on this rainy November day. I have been very busy getting ready for Thanksgiving, and also decorating for Christmas. We will be with our son and his family Thursday so I like to have the Christmas decorating ready for that weekend! What fun getting out the old decorations and thinking of when they were given to us or bought or how they have been used over the years. In our small apartment, I have 6 small trees instead of the the SEVEN LARGE trees I used to have. I love every minute of Christmas.
I have had very little pain the last week and wonder why am I having this pain block done? But the pain is so sporadic, you never know when it will pop up. My oncologists nurse called yesterday, and he is trying to find a second tissue sample to test for some sort of chemo (They found one sample) These were done seven years ago when the cancer first appeared and things have a way of not being where they need to be. I hope they can find these samples.!!! With the holidays, I really don't expect to hear anything until next week. Waiting is so difficult! I get a little depressed this week, waiting, and thought, "maybe he has given up on me, and thinks nothing else will work"... but I know still, I am in God's hands, always...and I will always be "in joy"...
"You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you and all the trees of the field will clap their hands."
Change After 30 Years
11 months ago
Dearest Friend Bev,
ReplyDeleteYou are not going to give up, and no one is going to give up on you. I hope you read the Max Lucado devotional today. I'm pasting it in here, so all of your readers can see, "Never give up."
Hang In There
Is anything too hard for the Lord? No!
Genesis 18:14
Hang in there. Don’t give up! Is anything too hard for the Lord? No!
Just when you least suspect it—the God of surprises strikes again. God does that for the faithful. Just when the womb gets too old for babies, Sarah gets pregnant. Just when the failure is too great for grace, David is pardoned.
The lesson? Three words. Don’t give up!
Is the road long? Don’t stop.
Is the night black? Don’t quit.
God is watching. For all you know right at this moment … the check may be in the mail. The apology may be in the making. The job contract may be on the desk.
Don’t quit. You may miss the answer to your prayers.
God is faithful—He’s always on time.
I sent the same one to our dear friend Kathy who is suffering so in the hospital with her melanoma right now. God isn't giving up on her, and he's not giving up on you; neither is your oncologist. And neither am I. Prayers going up every single day.
Happy Birthday and Happy Thanksgiving!
much love,
Barbara and Alan