I know, I don't usually write every day, but I found out lots today from my oncologist. Half of my tiredness, exhaustion, lack of appetite, inability to eat more than half portions on my plate, is from the liver cancer. So I have twice the usual problems with the radiation and that explains it! I passed the half way mark today, so I think I can do 12 more! The doctor gave me hope for a new (as of December 2011) experimental chemo. They will do tissue testing on tumors saved from the first surgery in 2004 and if I have certain antibodies, I can be in this test. This chemo is supposed to kill any cancer it find, anywhere! What about God's timing! Just what I need, just when I need it! I will finish the radiation, and rest about a month then see him the middle of February, hopefully to start this experiment. I think this is exciting. Maybe I was born for this. Who knows what lives may be saved if this chemo turns out to be really good!!!
Isaiah 59:1 says, "Surely the arm of the Lord is not too short to save, nor His ear too dull to hear..."
Change After 30 Years
11 months ago
Dear Sister,
ReplyDeleteDo you recall when you were on a much earlier chemo, and I kept saying that you were going to be important to the world one day; that you were going to test a chemo that would be the cure for liver cancer? I have goose bumps from reading this! Your chemo may cure all my friends who currently have cancer!!! Oh my goodness what a love gift this will be to you in February, the month of love! Wow, I can't stop exclaiming. Praise God from whom all blessings flow. You have literally made my 2012 take off like a rocket. (-: (-: (-: Well, one of these days we will be doing some kind of celebrating, won't we? Don't you know that Beth and my mom are looking down on us with smiles from ear to heavenly ear. It's what both of them would have wanted. I love you dear, and my prayers will be escalating and accelerating daily.
Love and Happy New Year from the Clarks