"...always give thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ." Ephesians 5:18..20...that is a really tough commandment. It does not say "sometimes" or "when good things happen", but "ALWAYS". I am not sure I think to do that. I would like to try...
Well our grandson and grandaughter and their four children, ages 6 months to 5 1/2 came Saturday , we had breakfast and opened Christmast presents, and made candy cane Christmas cookies. (well the shapes were very different, but they were good!) We had fun and we loved getting to spend that time with some of our "greats" and our grandson and his wife of course. He was one of our bunch whom we took camping or Florida every summer until he was about 14 and had a job and could no longer go. What wonderful memories we have. Our oldest great spent the night with her grandmother (where we live) and we got to be with her some.
I have had an up-and-down time. Friday night I had a severe back ache (they had asked if I had any aches and up til then I had not)...I finally took a pain pill and got a heating pad and was able to get relief, but it happened only that once..mainly I am continually exhausted and sleep alot. I make myself eat, which is not much fun. I have to remember I am still coming off the 8 weeks of radiation and may still have some of those side effects. I go tomorrow for blood work to check my antibody reaction to the chemo. I am so thankful for wonderful doctors, and medical care, the experimental chemo which is paid for by the drug company...and support from my care group at church. I am having to miss art now, because the chemo is Thursdays and I cannot come in from hours of that and go anywhere else. Maybe it will get better after I have a few more treatments and it gets to be more "routine"...Thank you God for family and friends.
Change After 30 Years
11 months ago
ReplyDeleteOur family was just so thankful to get a glimpse of you after worship service yesterday. We didn't want to interrupt your conversation with another dear friend, but the quick hug and hello meant the world to me. It is obvious that you are pushing yourself over the top just to be dressed so pretty and be at church, but what else would we expect from "Super Bev"? It's what you always do. You know we are praying constantly for this new chemo treatment to work for you, to cure you, and to be the miracle drug of the century. I do know exactly what you are saying about praising God even when things aren't good. I forget and have to be reminded by my dear sweet husband. You and I are so blessed to have our soul mates and best friends for our lifetime companions in marriage. I do hope God has a plan for us to keep them in heaven. Just keep praising God, and we'll keep praying for Him to keep our Bev and John with us for a few more years.
We love you so,
Praying for you
ReplyDeleteHello Beverly, I pray for you every day I hope you have pain free days and nights, I love you and think of you oftrn, LOVE Sara