"...He will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthened your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden,like a spring whose water never fails."Isaiah 58:11
Don't you love the Lord's analogies! He knew what would sooth us and appeal to us...no one can resist a garden with a stream, and flowers. I have a bad day, total exhaustion-- then today was good and I had more energy for which I was thankful. Tomorrow is chemo #4 then I have 3 weeks "off" without the chemo. I am really looking forward to that and hopefully less nausea and tiredness.
A friend responded to my blog about "Doc Cummings" and she remembered her coming to their family restaurant in this area from 50's to early 60's. She drove the same touring Model T Ford--there could not have been two alike! Interesting to find that out.
John remembers the Gypsies coming through this area (I do also) and they would camp below where John grew up in a creek area. They came through every year and would hit all the stores and any house not locked...sorry to say, they made a living by taking what was not theirs. They were all good looking and beautiful children. I believe they came from eastern Europe originally. I guess they are no longer a "group" or a "people".
Our friend, Gene, was laid to rest in the ocean today, and our hearts are still sad for their family.
I pray for God to strengthen my frame and I already KNOW He satisfies all my needs!
Change After 30 Years
11 months ago
Interesting that you would use this passage about how God comforts and cares for our bodies and fills our souls the way He does. We are using the 23rd Psalm for our evening devotionals this week. We asked our three children to read it and give their meanings to each line of the passage. It's been a really good experience to hear them relating their ideas to correspond with the life of a young shepherd boy 3000 years ago. I'm afraid their ideas of comfort and fulfillment too often are electronics and games and ITunes or movies rather than safety and quiet still waters. I'm looking forward to some lazy afternoons by the lake when the excitement is skipping rocks and dangling feet over the edge of the dock until a boat has to pull in. The school year keeps us so busy and pumped that we find little time for the fulfillment God intends us to have. Your blog reminds me each night that I read it, of how we need to cast everything to God and allow Him to be our guardian and our caretaker. Thanks again Bev for sharing a wonderful piece of our local history with your readers!
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