"The Lord your God is with you, He is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing." Zephaniah 3:17
A wonderful christian friend who used to be our worship leader at church, used to lead us in a song based on this part of the Bible, and part of it went, "when your life is over and the race is run," and then part of it says "God will sing over you"...It is a beautiful song and every time I hear it I think of my sister who ran many marathons, and I think of her running and her final race, and how God sings over her now.
Nothing new here or different except MAYBE I am not quite as full of rash, not well, but not as miserable. Still horrible fingernails. I have been tired the last few days, and could be blood pressure too low due to the lasix pill. There is still some swelling of feet and legs, but not as bad. I went to art tonight and as always, it is one of my weekly highlights.
When I have a few minutes of not being sleepy in bed, I say the Lord's Prayer and usually I do not finish it before I am asleep. That is true comfort! and imagining God "singing over me"...
Change After 30 Years
11 months ago
Oh my Bev! I am weeping! I had this mental image of Beth as she was in high school, that beautiful majorette marching on our football field and then seeing her walk in the halls along side her handsome young man. What a visual of her being sung over by God and His heavenly chorus! I am wanting to hear us sing that song in worship again. I will weep if we do, because I will always and forever carry that vision of Beth when I hear it. I missed you somehow on Sunday, so I'm so glad to hear that you are feeling a little less "rashed". Here is a beautiful thought that I must share with you. Megan was looking very pensive this morning before school, and I asked her what was going through her mind. She said, "Well, you know how we prayed and prayed for Mrs. Bev to have her six inch snow she wished for this winter? And then we didn't get it. Well" she said, "I think that's a sign. I think that means Mrs. Bev is still going to be alive for at least another winter so God can give her the six inch snow." Out of the mouths of babes. Even though she is a teen, she is still my baby, and her heart is so tender and full of love for you. Oh, I'm weeping again! Still praying for you daily, nightly, and in between. Hugs to you and John from all of us.