"...patient in affliction, faithful in prayer." Romans 12:12
Psalm 16 which I quoted several days ago, has a sentence that is in a song..."Fill me with joy in your presence..." I love that song and that sentence.
Our older son attended and graduated from West Point Military Academy...and as he says..."it is a great place to be from"...they don't call the first summer there BEAST for nothing! Also, a plebe cannot come home for six months. It is so tough and I think about his leaving home at 17 (almost 18) flying to New York City, and finding his way to up state New York, and the courage it took to do this. He received a great educatin but he probably would not do it if he had it to do over. I am reminded of his and our heritage and our ancestors who were courageous.
Mama used to (when faced with struggles) say she had Great Grandmother Eliza in her heritage. This is the grandmother who killed chickens and fed the Union soldiers and they did not take any of her belongings or set fire to her house. Our grandaughter-in-law whose heritage is Pennsylvania might take offence to this but it was war! Also John's dad left home in Alabama (at age 17)to come here to work on the railroad, and while he was in training his mother died and they would not let him go home for the funeral!
The first (to this area) family from John's side, came to Alabama while it was Mississippi Territory and not even a state yet and built, farmed, had 10 children, and that took loads of courage. We thank God all our family on both sides were christians. So our son has this behind him and he as a young man had the same courage and faith. He let God lead him and guide him.
I am still enjoying being "normal" and pretending there is no cancer. I know God is able and there really might not be any in two weeks when I get the PET. In the meantime, John and I are going on a trip and I will journal on paper while we are gone and write my thoughts when we get back. It is a good time to travel while I feel good! I am truly "joyful in hope"!!!
Change After 30 Years
11 months ago
Bev,I too like to believe all of the cancer is in the distant past. Cancer is so strange. You cannot see it, all that is seen is what the treatment does to you. (I am aware there are cancers that are visable). I so appreciate your words of encouragement. You have been through a great deal and still look up and know who the Giver of Life and strength is. Have a wonderful trip. love kathryn