My back is broken out and my legs are "driving me crazy!" I pray for relief! I did not go to art tonight. I slept on the couch all evening, just tired for some reason. I did not walk today either. Maybe tomorrow will be better. Psalm 62 in verse 7 says " My salvation and my honor depend on God; He is my mighty rock and my refuge."
The most frightened I have ever been in my life was on a camping trip. I don't know why this came to mind tonight... John and I were at a park in Middle/east Tennessee and it was late fall, without the park being full. We went to take showers, he to one side and me to the other, and there were several young women in there, and they were whispering/giggling and they left, and I was in there alone. I got in my stall, which was two parts--a bench for clothes and the shower itself. I was under the water and just "got that feeling", looked under the door and saw boots tiptoeing across the floor. I left the water running, pulled on my jeans and sweater(over my wet skin) and started screaming "GET OUT-GET OUT". I stood up on the bench and could not see anyone so I opened the door and ran screaming all the way, into the men's bath house. John had not heard me, thought kids were hollering. I stayed in there and he went with me into the women's side to get my clothes on. The girls came up and I screamed at them that they had "set me up", which I have always believed they did. We pulled up our tent, drove to the ranger's house and reported what had happened. He said, people came into the park from all over and he had no way to know who or what, etc. We drove home and did not stay.
We did camp again, but I never took a shower without John standing outside the bathhouse door waiting for me. At home, I never take a shower without someone in the house, unless I absolutely have to. That was so traumatic, I can understand how a rape victim would never get over the trauma and horror. We have been all over the world and to think that the most horrific thing that ever happened to me was about 100 miles from home! God surely did protect me that night by giving me "that feeling" and giving me an escape.
Change After 30 Years
11 months ago
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