"But now He has reconciled you by Christ's physical body through death to present you holy in His sight, without blemish and free from accusation." Colossians 1:22
These are not very good days, nausea, fatigue, just exhaustion from nothing. I stayed in bed much of the day, then was sick tonight. It has only been one treatment and that was 2 weeks ago so don't know what will come next. God has given me over 7 years so don't know how much longer we can work this out. I am trying to take a pain med at night so I can sleep without pain but it gives me nightmares so I don't know what to do about that.
I was straightening out some old jewelry today, untangling necklaces, etc. Each one brought back memories. I have Mama's pearls and I can still just see her wearing those. I found some of John's Mother's things, especially a watch on a chain that she wore and her initials are on the back. I think and wonder who will wear these when I am not here and wonder if they will mean the same since our grandchildren did not know these great grandparents. I have a bracelet and compact that John gave me for Christmas the year before we married the next year. They were not real gold and are tarnished, but oh these memories!
We have our second planting of green beans and have a big bag in the freezer besides what we have eaten. Our little 8x8 garden is being very successful (wish I could say the same for the carrots) Carrots is our family joke. John tries every year and they never do well, but he is persistent! We laugh about who he will sell them to! We have yet to get enough for a meal. God is good and I fall on my knees in prayer for relief and healing and His care over us.
Change After 30 Years
11 months ago
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