Well, something happened to the first part, so here I go again...It is Christmas Eve, what used to be the most exciting part of the holiday. We always were at Grandma's (and Grandpa before he died.) She lived and stayed in her home for about 25 more years, then went to Mama's and finally a nursing home, passing at age 98. All the family was there, cousins, uncle and aunt, sister, eventually our husbands and children. One of my very favorite memories was a huge snow (and we could use snow tires then, so we could go anywhere) and we came around her driveway, seeing everyone through the windows, like a Norman Rockwell moment! I will always have that memory! Then for a few years we were at Mama and Daddy's but they only outlived Grandma by 4 years, then we three sisters took turns having the family. Nothing ever stays the same--you think it will-- but when Beth died (middle sister) we tried to keep all of us together, but we straggle along, doing pretty good, and really do keep in touch, if not actual being together.
This was a fairly good week, lunch with friends but not much good to me. Sue calls me "bouncing Bev" because she says I keep bouncing back after bad things happen. I sure hope and pray I can bounce back this time! We were with friends with whom we have had Christmas Eve breakfast every year for 53 years. We did miss one year when a really big snow was too much for even the snow tires. Our children grew up together and we camped alot over the years. Today was also at my sister's for lunch and seeing all her grandchildren and extended family on her side.
When I had radiation yesterday, I saw the PA and she showed me the MRI before the radiation started, and there was and tumor large as a big orange sitting up against my lower backbone. NO WONDER I was in PAIN! I have not had the lower back pain since the radiation started, so this tumor is very receptive to the radiation. I thank God for technology, for doctors, for their knowledge. She suggested I take an anti-nausea pill each morning to PREVENT the nausea. I did today and I really had a better day.
I pray for a blessed Christmas, remembering Jesus' birth, life and crucifixion, all planed from the beginning of this world for our salvation! "Luke 2:11-14..."you will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger. Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying, "Glory to
God in the highest and on earth peace to men..."..." Merry Christmas!
Change After 30 Years
11 months ago
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