Well we have nearly walked the floor today, snow and cannot get out of the house. I am feeling good, eating too much, being off chemo, my appetite has returned. Food tastes good again. I have decided to talk about our four patents and mainly talked about Daddy yesterday,I want to finish telling about Mama today. I told how she and Daddy met, but starting at the beginning, she was the oldest child and I earlier told now her baby brother died when he was 17 months old and she was about three. There was another brother two years later; so many times parents never get over the loss of a child. We have seen that many times in our family. Grandma and Grandpa did not get over the loss of the first baby boy and spoiled the remaining two children so terribly.Mama grew up as a wonderful pianist, a beautiful, petite young woman. Mama was a cheer leader at tech,because as the coach said..."she added decoration"...Mama went from being spoiled by her Daddy to being spoiled by her husband. Daddy so adored her that it was easy to do. When John and I married he said he had never seen a family where the children took care of the parent, meaning we three girls took care of Mama instead of the other way around. We lived next door to the grandparents most of our lives and I guess Grandma was our "mother" so we just fell into the roles of taking care of Mama. Mama was a fantastically happy person, very social, optimistic in every way, a totally happy christian woman, loving parent, terrific hostess, good cook, ready to do everything with. We had so much fun with her. She was generous to a fault and thought her family was the best of everything in every way. But as she got older, we three would say, "what will we do if Daddy dies first...who can live with Mama?"
I know that sounds terrible, but it is the truth. But this was taken care of when they died together. She was truly "one of a kind"!!!
"Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her." Proverbs 31:28
Change After 30 Years
11 months ago