I have told many people that this chapter in the Bible is what I would always wanted to be spoken of...not yet, but someday! It is the epitome of a "perfect" woman. She is industrious, energetic, full of dignity, a woman who "has it all". I hope over my lifetime I have emulated these characteristics. Well, just a little evening "musings"...like I say, not ready to go yet!
Today was first "brain doctor" day. I got my staples out, found out I still have to be on steroids for another two months to guard against brain seizures. I also am aware that even though the reading is coming back steadily, my eyesight may not be as sharp as it was. I need to go check on this now! I still cannot drive or lift or bend over (oops?) but I am trying to remember these things. The MRI showed no tumors the morning of surgery, just a little leakage and the blood. I am still on a "high" over God's removal of the tumor before the surgery! I see the doctor in two weeks and hopefully he will kind of dismiss me for a while. Then I see the oncologist that week for a kind of "let this rest for a month or so" visit...I think in two months, I will be so rested and ready to fight this again, or who knows, God may have just taken care of the rest of the cancer by then! We certainly know He is Able.
"her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also..." verse 28
Change After 30 Years
11 months ago
We certainly do. Its been such an awesome experience to watch His answering of prayers in your life. We love you! Go have fun now!!