Monday, January 4, 2010

The Lord is my rock...

Well, chemo tomorrow, A friend at church is seriously ill with cancer complications..I hate this disease and how it robs us of our time . Our new baby is not here yet, but any day now with our hext "great". "The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my Lord is my rock, in whom I will trust." Psalm 18:2
Please Lord, keep me positive!

I am grateful that the 3/4 chemo is not as harsh, and after tomorrow, I have a week off before chemo. This is the week I enjoy eating, and food tastes better.
A friend told me she grew up with her father killing hogs, making sausage, and all the farm things. We neither one knew this about each other until I put this on here and now we can share this growing up time.
The very cold time of year is here and yet in about six weeks, we will begin to see dafocitts coming up...there is always that promise of spring..also the promise of healing and redemption. Praise God!

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