Last night was a better night. I woke up at 3 am, and actually went back to sleep until a normal 7:30-- that felt good!!! I went to the eye doctor today and he gave me a prescription for stronger lenses and that should help, and when my eyes change in a few months, I can change again. He did not see any real damage in my eyes and that was very thankful to us!
One of my dearest friends had her sister to die yesterday, and that is sad for my friend and for us to see her lose the third sibling within a year. A friend from high school died this week, the second of that group within a month. I guess when you "reach a certain age" the deaths come close and fast.
I am going through more scrapbook minutiae, and wow, the memories! I pick up letters I sent Daddy in Europe in the 1940's and cards from our children sent to us, then a piano recital notice, then a Sunday School paper from the 1940's. The years went by way too fast!!!
While I cannot drive, I feel like I am "marking time", not really "living"---don't know why???Is it because I feel like my independence is gone? I don't know that I will do that much differently with a car to go in but it seems as such.
I am anxious to get back into some church activities and yet, when I went last Sunday for three hours, I was really tired when I got home. Maybe each day will bring strength.
Titus 3:4,5 says "But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, He saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of His mercy..."
So because of this love or God's and because of His mercy, I boldly ask Him to continue to take away this cancer. Amen...
Change After 30 Years
11 months ago
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