I was just looking at face book and realized how much I miss all the "grands" and the "greats"! Winter is just not a good time for traveling and visiting. John and I cannot find time without a doctor visit to go anywhere! Oh well, I shall not complain. We got to go to church today and to care group tonight. This was a good Valentine, thinking about what the holiday means and how much love is in our family. I am so thankful for our children and grandchildren and their spouses and what they each mean to us. We could not have picked any of them any more perfectly . I am constantly amazed at the love for God each displays and the love for family they all have.
A young man at church (a cancer victim) about whom I have spoken, is in hospice and will not live much longer. This is very sad, especially for his wife and sons and parents. It is so difficult to know God's plans for all of us and why things like this happen. I wonder why , so far, I can hold this cancer "at bay" but then wonder how much longer this is possible. I wonder what God's plan is for me and when I get the next CT if it is spread and how much?
Proverbs 3:3 talks about love..."Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them about your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart..."
John enters the hospital tomorrow for three days, and I pray the procedure works.I pray God allows us to have years more together, in love and faithfulness...
Change After 30 Years
11 months ago
Hey BB- I did not know about Papa John. I love you both and will praying for the procedure. We miss you and love you.