Psalms 121: I lift up my eyes to the hills, where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth." verses 1-2
I went to the neurosurgeon today, and he was so pleased with my progress, and said there was no cancer in the brain tissue (MRI after surgery). He will not let me drive for two more weeks (making six weeks without independence) and two more weeks without any hair "fixings"...So I will be white and straight in two more weeks! I really cannot complain, God has taken care of me so wonderfully and those are minor things! We are seeing more snow tonight, this is being the worse winter in a number of years.
I was thinking this afternoon about trips because John and I hope to go to Hawaii before I start chemo again. I go to the oncologist March 2 to sign all the papers for another experimental (this will be the fourth chemo in six years).
I am so glad we took trips when we did, with our children and grandchildren and just the two of us. We camped for 40 years and when our children were young, camped all over the United States except for three states. The longest trip was out west and back for three weeks, and had no trouble until we got between Memphis and Nashville and had a flat tire on our trailer. That was a really fun trip. We kind of divided the US and camped each direction for several years. Then we went to Europe twice, to England/Scotland once, to the Holy Land, and Egypt, Canada and Mexico, Bermuda, and many cruises all over the Caribbean. I went to Japan on a mission trip without John, but with my sister and her family. We have never regretted any trip taken, only the trips not take!. I am so glad we did this instead of waiting "until we had time, or could afford it"...Sometimes, we borrowed the money to go and one of these times was the Holy Land trip...we took our daughter and two grandsons, and this was such a memorable trip! Then we took each of the other grandchildren on a trip "of their own"which turned out to be very special times with all of them.
So we feel so blessed over the years, to have been able to do these trips, to be kept under God's sheltering wing each trip, and to enjoy the blessings of being with our family in so many ways.
I feel God continues to bless us and me each day and I am overwhelmed with gratitude each day.
Change After 30 Years
11 months ago
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