Ecclesiastes 3:12-13 ..."I know that there is nothing better for men than to be happy and do good while they live. That everyone may eat and drink, and find satisfaction in all his toil--this is the gift of God."
John and I were at the other house tonight, I was cleaning out the flowerbeds a little, they sure have been neglected lately! The violas that Cindy planted in October just now "gave up" and I was pulling them up. They bloomed all winter, through snow, all spring and until this last week when it got so hot and we are not there to run the watering system. When we started home, we opened all the windows and talked about how people used to drive around on hot summer evenings to "cool off", and the car windows had little vents that opened on the front side window and you could roll them out and angle them toward you. The men would always keep their arm on the side of the car and their hands on the top of the door, kind of a macho pose!!! Women did not worry about their hair and enjoyed the wind rushing through the car. (And there was no hair spray then.) This same era, people would take chairs out under the trees in the evenings and sit there until dark. Air conditioning sure is nice and we are "hooked" on it, but we miss alot of community by closing ourselves up inside.
Tomorrow is my scan, and I will find out on Thursday, then Thursday we will decide if I do chemo again. I have felt so good today, normal. That is the way it goes, feel so bad, then be back good just in time for the "rat poison" again.
Grandma used to say "if a person could sit up and take nourishment he was doing ok"..That about covers all of it, plus I think God meant for us to work, and not just lie around. I love these verses that God means for us to be happy, eat well of what He has provided and stay busy! Happy night!
Change After 30 Years
11 months ago you I love to be busy. I rest when I must. I got to get out and pull weeds out of little neglected garden felt so good to be in the dirt. Best of everthing on your tests tomorrow. kathryn