We ,and some good friends, had a great three days in the mountains...Virginia...and went to two good plays at the Barter Theatre Playhouse in Abingdon, VA...I have talked about the Barter Theatre before. We drove through the winding mountain roads, and just rambled. The golden rod and wild purple asters were everywhere! My grandmother's birthday was October 1 and she always loved the autumn flowers, especially the golden rod. We went to the White's Mill which was built about 1790 and is slowly being restored. They still make cornmeal there. We also ended up down a mountain road with a wonderful flowing stream and a really large log house. The house had little candle lights in the windows. A lady in the yard came over to the car and talked to us. She was so interesting! She and her sister live there and the grounds were formerly their home place. Beside the house was what looked like a storage building...they love cats and it has ended up being a "cat house"---about 10 right now. The racoons got so bad after the cat food, she has started trapping the coons, and taking then to a "Coon Club" over the mountain...where the coons are released and become "bait" for the hunters!
The days were perfect, about 70 degrees and great blue skies... I could not eat much. I don't know why I have no appetite. I will ask tomorrow at the doctor's. I was so glad to have a few days of almost being normal. But at the play last night, I got very nauseous at the intermission...got up and ran to the bathroom. My friend went with me, I was leaning over the sink with a damp cloth on my head and sudderly a lady (who,I promise you, was not there before) was beside us and said "here is a lemon drop--they are good for nausea, I will pray for you" and she left. That was a "wow, this is an angel" moment!!!!! Today was ok, still not much appetite but I am used to that. Just thankfulness for every moment of every day!
"Ask and it shall be given to you; seek and ye shall find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks received; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened ." Matthew 7:7-8
Change After 30 Years
11 months ago
Abingdon, home of the VA Creeper Trail. It's lovely there. Don't you love how God provides and sustains. Thinking of you Bev. kathryn