"And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God." Micah 6:8
Another day of just doing busy things getting ready for tomorrow. Our grandson came by, back from his honeymoon, and was shocked to see me with almost no hair. I don't wear a wig around the house. I seem to have many sentence prayers all though the day. I feel so "living because God is permitting me to" each day--as if this time is so special and I need to do something special but don't know what that would be. I want to hold on to each day but they slip away so fast.
More memories---Occasionally Daddy would buy unclaimed boxes or luggage from some storage business. Once ,he got a box full of old pictures, letters and embroidery, pieces of fabric and thread, all really old. He gave me part of this and I tried to trace any relative using the family name and calling post offices from the area. The town in the letters no longer exists and I tried to call all those family names listed in the phone directory. I called museums from that area but never found anyone who had any relative by those names. How sad! Someone loved those family members and treasured that embroidery. The one special piece,I had framed and now I treasure this. Back about 150 or even 200 years ago all girls learned to sew and embroidery by making a "sampler", using many creative ways to sew the alphabet and numbers and often a poem, and their name and date. This sampler I have has three rows of alphabets, one unfinished. There is a row of numbers , a few unfinished pictures around the sides, maybe trees or flowers. The fabric is very fine, small thread count linen. A few letters at the lower edge are possibly her name, not finished.
The poem is: "O I must remember that I am born to die for lifetime is not forever for beauty must decay and my poor body lie moldering in the clay"
Isn't that morbid? Those years ago so many children died young, I guess they expected such. I would date this sampler at about 200 years ago because at that time, our alphabet had no "J", only 25 letters, and this alphabet shows that. Some history books say that "I" and "J" were used interchangeably then.
Christmas is two months away---I am not ready!!!
Change After 30 Years
11 months ago
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