Grandma's sister and her husband lived next door to John and he grew up always knowing them. This is the aunt my cousin and I visited often and how John and I a got to know each other the summer I was 16. Uncle Frank was a railroad man and he worked part time in a small town about 40 miles away, Westmoreland. He was the stationmaster there and they would live there part time. My cousin and I would ride the Trailways bus up there and stay for a week in the summer. We had such fun--Aunt Clara had no children and she would let us rearrange her kitchen, and play like her apartment was our play house. When she was "home" here, we would visit there.
Uncle Frank's parents were from Scotland and he also had a Scottish brogue, which made him very unique. When they died, my mother inherited some pieces of furniture from them, some of which I still have and love to think these things came from Scotland. There is an oval mirror with gold flowers and leaves all around the sides, and a 2 drawer low chest that looks like it possible had a top half, like a desk top. We had one of Uncle Frank's rail road chairs which one of our grandson's has now.
They played croquet all summer (rook in the winter) like all the "sisters" did. I have talked about the sisters before. Uncle Frank had one of the short mallets that "pro"'s would use and he always "played for blood". He and John were great partners. They had lights in the yard and would play til midnight. If they played on a Saturday night, Aunt Clara would not play past midnight, because it was the "Lord's day". They never had children but loved all us cousins. They helped raise another cousin and really wanted John to marry her, but he had other ideas!
John and I lived in a small house behind his parents before we built our house. When our oldest son was little, "Clara" was one of his first words.
Aunt Clara had a way of "saying what was on her mind" as did several of the sisters. John and his best friend were seeing them and the friend had a great tan, and she said "Jack, you look sick". She once said she though visiting the sick was her gift. She did so once and said, "I know someone who had what you do and they died" . I am not so sure about that gift!
But, they were very special part of the family and we always enjoyed being with them, and living close to them.
Well today was another blood draw day, and my white cells are inching up, way below normal but going the right direction. I can leave the house with caution now. I went to art class last night and wore a mask. My hair is falling fast and is about half gone (thin) and I got another wig today. My old one was five years old and getting kind of sad looking.
Isaiah 12:2 and 5 says, "The Lord, the Lord, is my strength and my song; He has become my salvation." and "Sing to the Lord, for He has done glorious things...:
He truly is my strength. I honestly feel very good most of the time, not sick or weak. That is a miracle!
Change After 30 Years
11 months ago
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