If all goes according to plan, we will have Great #9 tomorrow. I can't wait. We have been with so much family this past month. Cousins from Missouri were here this week and we met another cousin close to here. Dinner with our family also, our local Great here to see if I found the marshmallows she loves (the pink ones). These tid-bits are what makes life so fun. John and I wanted to take a trip somewhere this late summer but I really do not have the energy for a long drive in the heat. This afternoon, a cool spell came thru and it feels so wonderful. A special email message came from friends about how you should never put off haveing fun or seeing friends or telling family you love them. I always say "you never regret trips you take, only the ones you don't"... but this nasty little pain keeps turning up about 1:00 every morning. I have a long list for the Doctor on Wednesday and Thursday this week. I sure hope the MRI shows what is causing this pain...then again, I may be sad to see what is there. Really I handle things better if I know what it is!
Romans 8...several verses: "Because those who are led by the Spirit of God are Sons of God...You receive the Spirit of Sonship...the Spirit helps us in our weakness...if God is for us who can be against us..."
In my pain starting up about bedtime, I have the comfort of these verses. The pain meds I take a little later (for some reason) keeps me half awake, so there is lots of prayer time all night.
Change After 30 Years
11 months ago
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