Luke 1:80 "And the child grew and became strong in spirit;" then in Luke 2:40 "And the child grew and became strong ; He was filled with wisdom, and the grace of God was upon Him." Both babies born about 5-6 months apart...cousins by earthly standards. There is a famous painting that shows Jesus and John the Baptist as young children, playing as their mothers look on...I think Da Vinci painted it..They area certain to have been together as children since they were kin and lived close to each other. Don't you love to suppose the family time of Jesus before He started His ministry.
We certainly do love to be with our family and seeing the babies., but not enough!
John and I went to Opryland Hotel to see the Christmas lights and it certainly was beautifully lit up and decorated. There is a large white nativity scene with at least 40-50 characters, wise men, shepherds, cattle and lambs, and Mary and Joseph and Jesus all across part of the lawn. It is lit and really beautiful. It is similar to what was at the Parthenon 50 years ago.
The worst thing in "chemo-land" is still swelling of hands and feet, more "tearing" and nose blowing---my eyes and nose just run clear liquid. That is seems one things will get better then another starts up. This is the longest I have gone without seeing the nurse or doctor and I honestly feel that the worse things wrong with me is the chemo! Happy almost 2011!
Change After 30 Years
11 months ago
Bev - Was beginning to get worried about you, because of the absence of entries after Mon. So glad to see the most recent entry you made last night. I, too, remember Harvey's display at the Parthenon. It was beautiful. Maybe next year I will have moved to Old Hickory so I can see the display at Opry Hotel. The sun is shining here this morning. So good to see after the 6+ inches of snow I got over the Christmas Day weekend. I know you are thankful you can move around and do things, as I am for you as well. Hugs, Beverly Stokely