Yesterday was Pearl Harbor Day...I realized I was writing this blog over a year ago and talked about December 7 last year... It is hard to believe I have been talking on here that long. Very little was said about it this year, less than ever before. I watched a show on the History channel and it was very real, especially since we were in Hawaii this year in April. We visited the harbor and saw the remains of the "Arizona" down in the water. So I watching the program on TV yesterday and having been to that location made it even more real to me. The reporter interviewed several men who were only 18-19 years old at that time and had been trapped under the water and were rescued. The TV interviewed some nurses who related the horror of trying to save the lives of the injured. John's cousin who died this past year had been an army nurse and she could not talk about her experiences.
So we are getting near Christmas, the time history thinks Jesus was born. If not this date, it was close by. When we were in the Holy Land we saw stone mangers which possibly were what Mary laid Jesus in instead of a wooden manger we always show. The stone mangers we saw were actually in pastures formerly belonging to King Solomon.
Isaiah 53:3-5 ...."He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering....Surely He took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows...but He was pierces for our transgressions,...He was crushed for our iniquities and by His wounds we are healed..."
My arms are still broken out in a rash, and now my toes are sore with cracked places like my fingers...I cannot imagine what I will have to do! They may take me off the chemo altogether! I will see in two days. I will not be depressed... Merry Christmas!
Change After 30 Years
11 months ago
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