"And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flock by night. ..suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying, 'Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom His favor rests..'." Luke 2:8-13-14...
All our lives we have heard this Christmas story...and gone to see nativity scenes and if there were live animals, we would thrill..when our children were small we would go to this particular house every year, and they would build a manger like a shed. Alongside was a little fence and always a couple of animals, a lamb and a calf usually, sometimes a donkey. The scene in the shed was artificial and I cannot remember if it was manikins or what but our children were always excited to see these live animals and the scene, and the angels on top. Always the lights are beautiful and the unusual thrills the children.
John has been sick all weekend and worse today, and we finally got some antibiotic from our doctor. This viral cold has gone around the family, I had it last week and now John ;several more family members have had it at least once. I hope we can all get well before Christmas Eve when all the "first cousins" (children of my two sisters and me) will be here, along with various kin.
My taste is worse than ever and nothing tastes good. My hands and feet are cracked open and nothing seems to help. Sure hope the CT shows something good!!! Merry Christmas!
Change After 30 Years
11 months ago
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