"...whose confidence is in Him. He is like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream." Jeremiah 17:7-8
My fingers are so sore, it almost hurts to type...I have 8 cracked open places on my fingers. I go to the doctor tomorrow and hope they can give me some help. I have been putting salve and gloves on at night but apparently I am doing the wrong thing. I also use "skin shield" which you paint on like clear nail polish and it kind of seals the open places.
This has been a sad week, because an acquaintance at church died suddenly and tonight, we went to the hospital as a friend's sister is dying. It makes it sad especially here at Christmas time. I love this verse in the Bible, and love to imagine being rooted like that by a stream. I always loved swimming, especially in running creeks. One time when I was about 10 we went to the mountains and I swam with some Indian children who were playing in a creek. They showed me how to swim on your side under water. It was kind of like being a fish.
We trust in the Lord to take care of us...and John prays for my healing every day.
Change After 30 Years
11 months ago
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