Saturday, November 14, 2009

Family Reunion and people who look alike!

"Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness; come before Him with joyful songs. Know that the Lord is God. It is He who made us and we are His; we are His people, the sheep of His pasture." Psalm 100...What a joyful weekend! Some families have such distinctive characterisics, that you walk in the room and they all look at you with the "same eyes"!!!That was partly the way this weekend has been. Our family is not totally look-a-likes , but many of them have the large dark brown eyes we call our main feature that identifies our "clan". Men in this family tend to be very tall and large and the women have a regal bearing, carrying on the pioneer spirit brought over the "mountains" by our forebears. We learned more about this spirit, not only of strength and courage, but of carrying their joy in the Lord across those mountains. Many families buried babies, struck down by disease, and spouses by natural disasters. Yet they persevered, and kept their joy in living, kept their communion in the Lord, and built churches, homes in the wilderness, and served in government office. So this weekend, we shared our common heritage and delighted in the oldest cousin age 91, and the youngest, aged two. I was so blessed to be able to go, not knowing until the last minute if the nausea and stomach problems would keep me at home. Again, thank you God for zofran! I was very carerful to not hug anyone, due to the lowering blood counts. ( When white and red cell counts get low, then it is easier to get infections.) Thank you God for families.


  1. Dear Bev,
    This is a test. My blog just disappeared for the third time.
    Love ya,
    Cissy S
    [Narcissa m]

  2. Hi Bev,
    Pray you are feeling better today. I sent the blog address to Jeanie today.
