Monday, October 5, 2009

Thinking back about sisters

There were three of us "girls" ..I am the oldest, and when our middle sister died of breast cancer seven years ago, we felt as though our world had ended.....True, life will never be the same, because a piece of us has been cut away, but my youngest sister and I are very close and still feel the presence of our other with us as we do our "three-way-hug". All this to say, that my having cancer is so hard on that sister. She fears my losing the battle but we cannot go thru life fearing what might happen..just enjoying each day and appreciating what God has planned for us that day. So, back to the first time: It was the first of the four surgeries I have had so far........I cried- alot, feared- alot,and prepared for the chemo to follow..At that time, the encologists still gave cisplatin (the same chemo that saved Lance Armstrong's life)...that along with isfofosmide were the chemicals I received. To say chemotheraphy is difficult is the understatement of the year. However the three rounds of chemo pushed the cancer away for over two years, and I was cancer free for that time, living a normal life, growing hair again, doing what I had always done. Each and every day we have is a gift, and even after all that, I guess I still took each of these days for granted. Psalm 103:2 says, "Praise the Lord, oh my soul, and forget not all His benefits.. who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases..." .I have based my life, literally, on these biblical promises , especially these past 5 years, and try to daily remember and apply these promises to my life. As long as I am alive, I am here for a purpose..and God is preserving my life for a reason...Exciting, isn't it!!!

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